
Liponsäure Ratiopharm 600

Liponsäure Ratiopharm 600

Liponsaure is a brand name of a compounded item that is injected into localized fat deposits around the body with the intent to dissolve and release them. Stimulates and releases insulin to burn fat. The procedure itself is usually called Lipo-dissolve and is offered by weight loss and cosmetic surgery clinics. The procedure is intended to be less invasive and painful than liposuction, where fat deposits are physically pulled out of the body through incisions. The fat deposits dissolve over the course of several treatments. Some have experience weight reduction on the second treatment. It is thought that the dissolved fat is excreted with feces and urine, but there appears to be no clinical proof of how the procedure works and what happens to the fat. 

Liponsaure creates more insulin activity thus converting fats into energy to be burned away with increase of the insulin activity it also transfers more fats in the bloodstream. That is why the presence of liponsaure is welcome in the bloodstream and best to be given IV, direct into the blood. Liponsaure and other lipo-dissolve “drugs” are a combination of phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate (PCDC). PC is a soy-based compound that occurs naturally in human cells. DC is bile salt produced by the liver. DC helps to keep PC in solution so as not to separate. Because PCDC is put together or compounded by different pharmacists, who sometimes include other ingredients in the mix, the ratio of the two substances can be different. 

IV, IM or Sub-Q (SubCutaneous) 

Most of Reaction: 
Phosphatidylcholine has the ability to alter the cholesterol and other fatty acids. It increase the solubility of dat and its deposits. This PC penetrates skin layer and emulsifies the fat underneath, making them more soluble to water. 

Dosage Recommended: 
IV / IM : 1 ampoule every week. 
Sub-Q : Each ampoule divided into few portions for different parts of the body. 

Packing : 10 ampoules x 5ml 

Made In Germany 

Lefcar 5

Lefcar 5
Promotes fat burning
Intensive and satisfying body slimming results
Is a fact that fats congregate in areas of our body increases through time. Glucose, fats and carbohydrates from the food we eat if in excess will be transported and converts into “fatty acids” or fats and store in parts of our body, thus creating lumpy areas especially can be seen in the lower arms, thighs, buttocks, tummy, even our face and increases cellulites.
The challenge of burning these fat cells and keeping them away will always be a tedious affair and to do that, we need to understand how our body works. Energy is release through the consumption of food in our body, converted from the metabolism of carbohydrates and fats.
Excess fats and carbohydrates that are not been metabolize is store throughout storage areas in our body and this is when excess weight and fats is derived.
Keep fats away with ” L-Carnitine and B5 “
Nutrients like L-Carnitine and Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) are part of our body’s natural fat burning mechanism.
L-Carnitine, is an amino acid synthesized from essential amino acids, tyrosine and methionine in the kidney and livers. It acts as a transport for “long chain fatty acids” such as glucose, fats carbohydrates and proteins, especially from the inter membrane space of the body storage areas accumulated from the food we eat and converts it into energy.
Dexpanthenol is another essential nutrients requirement for complete food metabolism, thus the production of energy.
It is in the mitochondria where fats and carbohydrates is being converted into energy via a process called “beta-oxidation” with the help of L-Carnitine which is also responsible for improving oxygen utilization and energy production of the heart muscle. It also significantly reduces cellulite concentration in parts of our body, presenting a leaner, trimmer and svelte body.
Besides, acting as a “fat transporter” it needs as well for the removal of products wastes or toxins produced from the mitochondria during energy production, enables them to be eliminated from the body.
L-Carnitine is one of the best nutrients there is for promoting weight loss and concomitantly with Dexpanthenol (Vitamin B5) advocates that anyone seeking to loss weight to includes into their daily diet program.
There for, taken together, both L-Carnitine and Dexpanthenol works hand-in-hand for efficient metabolism of food we eat.
L-Carnitine 1g/5ml solution (6 ampoules)
Dexpanthenol 500mg/2ml solution (6 ampoules)
Excipients – panfolactone, parahydroxybenzoate, sodium benzoate acid.
L-Carnitine deficiency, alopecia, nutritional disorder of the nails, dermatological diseases includes burns and head – skin disease, metabolism of fats and carbohydrates, cellulite on the thighs.
L-Carnitine – None known
Dexpanthenol – Hypersensitivity to Vitamin B5
Adverse Reactions:
L-Carnitine – Less frequent reporting of mild gastritis, nausea.
Dexpanthenol – Rare reported case of rash.
L-Carnitine – No known interaction with other drugs.
Dexpanthenol – No known interaction with other drugs.
Dosage and Administration:
Merabolism of fats, carbohydrates and cellulites – Combination of one ampoules each L-Carnitine 1000gm and Dexpanthenol 500mg via intramuscular or intravenous 2 times per week.
Box combination of 6 ampoules (2ml) 500mg Dexpanthenol and 6 ampoules (5ml) 1000 mg L-Carnitine.
In cool dry place and protect from light.
Manufactured in Italy, Rome

L-Carn 1g

L-Carn 1g

Product Description:
One box of L-Carnitine Injection contains 10 ampoules of 1g/5ml L-Carnitine injectable solution. It is originally imported from Germany.

L-Carnitine is belongs to the group named Amino Acid. Our body produces it to maintain basic metabolism. It is important in transporting fatty acids from outside the cells into the cells, for burning in Mitochorndria and releasing energy. Some sportmans using this L-carnitine to enhance their performance and tone up their muscles. The benefits of taking this injection are:

  1. Utilization of energy - Fatty acids are transported more into the cells for burning. Energy yield and you can lose more weight by exercising.
  2. Balanced Cholesterol level - Because the fatty acids are being used up for burning, thus our cholesterol level will be balanced up by increasing the HDL and lowering LDL.
  3. Healthy Heart - Because the cholesterol level is in controled, so the risk at which arterioscleriosis will be minimised. If a person who has exposed to arteriosclerosis and aged, he will definately facing the risk of heart attack because the heart is using alot of energy to pump blood through narrow vessels.
  4. Muscle building - For people who work out in gym, they will use L-carnitine for toning up the musles. When fatty acids are transported and burned in mitochorndria, those fat tissue will getting lesser and more muscle is built by exercising.

Dosage and methods:
L-Carnitine injection is recommended at 1 ampoule every 2 days for best result. However, you may reduce the dosage with the advice of doctor. The L-carnitine is taken intravenously either by normal injection or using a buttlefly needle. After taking this L-carnitine, you can carry out exercise around 15-20 minutes daily.

 Method: I.V.(intravenous) or Sub-Q(Subcutaneous)